"The Other Side of Night"

This is Laryalee Fraser's second poem posted on my site.  This is beautiful.  - poetheart 05/19/02

We cup our hands to catch the sunlight,
press its warmth against our wounds;
between our now and our tomorrow,
moisture-laden shadows wait.

Our scuffmarks show our hesitation --
surely there's another route?
We must go on. We grope for balance,
skirt the outer edge of hell.

We hear a trailing chant of childhood
snagged on branches, sparse and frail;
"I think I can" our only option
once the darkness settles in.

We'll chase the night to its conclusion,
wait for finger-strokes of dawn
to loosen pain's relentless hunger,
smooth the surface of our scars.

© 2002 by Laryalee Fraser

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