This is my latest acquisition from Dona Lou Pearson's poetry to add to my collection. She wrote it a while back about someone for whom she had a mixture of feelings. - poetheart 07/01/01
I am not an evil person
But neither am I a vestal virgin
I do not tower above the crowd
I do not make my presence known
by lofty deeds or words of wit
I simply exist in this world
Another inhabitant anonymous
A solitary soul among all the rest:
I feel the fear of annihilation
I feel the pain of aloneness
I see the evil deeds of man
I see the treachery of woman
I see the games that people play
I, too, have been a player
I, too, have done the deeds
No better, not much worse
But I have found here, in the dust
Of this world, a rare moment
A precious spark of hope
A gem among false jewels
I thought I might never find
A reprieve from the darkness
Of empty pained solitude
A kindred spirit, a friend,
I have found my heart
At last...
In you...
by Dona Lou Pearson