Dear Site Visitors,
From this page you can access the current featured poet's interview and Q&A or read the interview of a previous featured poet. (Please note that the poetry listing included in each interview does not include submissions made during or after the interview and Q&A). The interviews are listed from the most recent to the earliest.
- June 2003, Patricia Lynn, teacher/speech pathologist, wife and mother from central New Jersey
- September 2002, Paul Papasavas, technical consultant, pilot, songwriter from central New Jersey
- September 2001, Marylene Bauza ("Maieh"), a 3rd year Mass Communications student from Manila in the Philippines
- August 2001, John R. Yaws, volunteer prison chaplain, creator of "Traveler's Tales" from Houston, Texas area
- July 2001, Matthew D. Ward, high school student from Auxier in eastern Kentucky
- March 2000, Charles Burrell ("S.T."), military technician for the U.S. Army Reserve from Conway, Arkansas
- February 2000, Richard J. Amoroso, retired federal civil service worker from New York
- January 2000, Dona Lou Pearson (b 03/07/49 - d 08/11/02), high school teacher from Russelville, Arkansas