"I Must Not Fret"

This 16 year old high school sophomore from California sent this poem to me and requested that I read it and take it into consideration for possible posting on this site. I liked the message of the poem, her expression, and thought it was well written and demonstrative of a talented young poet. I am honored that she submitted her poem to my site and am looking forward to reading and posting more of her poetry.  Please feel free to send Chesea your comments about her poem c/o the website.  - poetheart 05/19/01

I want the future to be bright
I want the people to get along and not fight
I want the skies to always be clear
And the homeless children not to fear
But about the future I must not fret
Because it hasn’t happened yet

I want my salary to be high
I want people with broken hearts not to cry
I want a husband who treats me well
And if someone is hurting
I want to be able to tell
But about the future I must not fret
Because it hasn’t happened yet

I want everyone’s hearts to be warm
I want there to be rainbows after the storms
I want no jails
And no bombs in the mail
But about the future I must not fret
Because it hasn’t happened yet

I want the homeless off the street
I want them to get Christmas treats
I want there to be no social classes
And no wars or social disasters
But about the future I must not fret
Because it hasn’t happened yet

by Chelsea

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