These are the poems of Robert M. Hensel. Robert was born in Rota, Spain in 1969. Currently a resident of Oswego, NY, he is an international freelance poet-writer with over 600 publications under his belt. Some of his publishing credits are: New York Review, Goodnews Broadcast, No Noun Sense Literary magazine, Indie Journal and Best Poems and Poets of the 20th Century. Robert also serves as an Advocate for the Disabled, an on going effort to better the rights of all Americans with disabilities. On October 1, 2000 Robert was honored by having the Mayor of his hometown declare a week for the disabled in his name. This week is to display the many accomplishments the disabled have achieved in the world today, which has been called "Beyond Limitations Week". In Robert's own words, "May the words that flow between the lines, connect us to a world of PEACE!" - poetheart