To derive the most benefit from your massage, you should consider the following:
Take a shower or bathe before the massage. The warm water will begin the
relaxation process and increase the blood flow near the skin. You will also
be clean. Being clean is important because the skin will be free of surface
dirt and cosmetics (oils, lotions, makeup, etc.) and also because feeling
clean may reinforce your confidence and have a calming effect. Also do not
wear excessive jewelry when going for the massage.
Be sure to trust your massage therapist. You should have chosen a therapist
who is a professional. The massage therapist will not violate you. He/she
will provide you with a relaxing massage. Talk to your therapist before the
massage and get to know him/her professionally.
You should completely disrobe. Wearing undergarments or swim wear is certainly
acceptable but clothing will impede the fluidity of the body work to be performed
on you. Your therapist must work the ab and glut areas. You do not want to
interfere with the smoothness of the massage strokes. Be assured that the
professional massage therapist will always "protect" and ensure the privacy
of his/her clients. You will be sufficiently and appropriately covered at
all times during your massage, (including while work is being done in these
areas) by proper draping techniques. Remember that you should only disrobe
to YOUR degree of comfort.
Be prepared to let the therapist manipulate your body. In order to give
you a very thorough and complete massage, your therapist needs to manipulate
your extremities:
Try not to "help" the therapist or fight the therapist. Massage therapists
are trained to manipulate your extremities without help and while continuing
to promote a calm, relaxing atmosphere for you.
Know what you like or don't like. Tell your therapist and get just what
you want during your massage. Consider and discuss with your therapist:
Lighter or deeper massage
What type of music you prefer or none at all
Brighter or softer lighting
Which oils, lotions, powders you prefer on your body
Incense, Aromatherapy, or Unscented massage
Make arrangements for these and other things ahead of time so that your massage
therapist can "tailor" everything for the massage to YOU.
Remember that the massage is for YOU and your preferences, comfort,
and satisfaction are very important. The right therapist for you will certainly
understand this.